DATE: 21/6/2017
“ Knowledge is not skill, knowledge plus ten thousand times I skill.”
-Shinchi Suzuki-
At the beginning of the lecture we were told that talent that each person have is natural. Skills is only developed by hours and hours and hours of beating on your craft.
Memory Learning
The pyramid shows the percentage of every strategy for memory and learning. We need to understand how information is learned and the needs of using various kind of active learning strategies in learning. Plus, retaining and using the information. Then, learned how one learns and remembers something. According to Kenneth Higbee, “ remembering is hard work, and memory techniques do not necessarily make it easy, they just make it more effective” ( Van Blerkom, 2009, p.93 ).
Memory is the retention of information over time or mind stores and remember information like computer software. While, other thing that will relate to memory is brain which is an organ, and it is like a computer hardware.
Based on a computer analogy, when we learn and remember, our brain will encode, store and retrieve the information. So, the lecture was introduce about a computer and between a human.
Computer Components
The Difference Between Human & Computer.
1) God creature
1) Humans’ creature
2) Work result are slow
2) Work result are fast
3) Keep the old or previous data
3) Not permanent storage
4) using brain
4) Using memory
· Input device : keyboard, mouse, camera.
human - the 5 senses such as ears, mouth, nose, skin and eyes.
· storage : hard disk, thumb drive.
human - the 3 types of memory such as SM, STM and LTM.
· Output device : computer screen, printer.
human - writing and talking.
The Storage
There are three types of memory:
1. Sensory Memory (SM)
An instant memory that will be stored for numerous incoming information from 5 senses. It will go to the short- term memory, if you pay attention during the class. Then, the information will be lost if you are not paying attention. So, in short be concentrate on the lecture or whle reading.
2. Short- Term Memory (STM)
Information that relayed, from the SM and a very limited storage. This is because the information must be rehearsed or repeated. Use some active learning strategies in order to get information to LTM, otherwise the information will be forgotten. Plus, to strengthen the memory ability students must applying the memory strategies.
3. Long- Term Memory (LTM)
Information that come from STM and move to LTM and will stored for the later use. LTM is unlimited and large storage. Forgetting may occur if the information is not being use for some time or a long time.
Memory strategies have it’s important. It will help students in their encoding, storing and retrieving the information.
1. remembering is hard work and need memory technique.
2. Massed practice vs spaced practice.
3. Rehearsal (do repetition many times).
4. Mnemonics (memory tricks).
5. Imagery (using image).
6. Organizational strategies.
7. Chunking.
- focusing our mind on what we are doing.
Causes poor concentration.
l Lack of attention.
l Lack of interest.
l Distraction from others.
l Uncomfortable environment.
l Physiological matters ( illness, tiredness )
l Psychological matters ( personal, problems, worries, anxiety ).
Improving Concentration.
Learning style
- Visual (see it)
- Auditory (hear it)
- Kinesthetic (do it)
- Look at the lecture.
- Solves the left and right conflict.
1. Survey
- Look up the whole topic, title, subtopic and the introduction.
2. Question
- Build questions during the reading and find the answers.
3. Read
- Read each paragraph for information.
- Find the answer for every questions may help focus in reading.
4. Recite
- Recite and rehearse every answers for every questions.
- Summarize the information and make notes for the answers for later studying.
5. Review
- Refer back to each heading after do reading an assignment.
- Recall your questions and answers to test yourself.
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