Date : 14/6/2017
Instructor : Dr. Mohamad Azmi Nias Ahmad

   " Begin with end in mind." That's was Dr. told  to the students in his speech. That sentence mean everything thing we do must have it end. Don't ever stop in the middle or give up with your work.

To be success, we must:

  • Belief in yourself 
  • Self awareness
  •  Make a right choice  
  • Strategies your time and study 
  •  Work hard 
  •  Goals and achievements 

    Tune is a stubborn illusion. In noun, it is the indefinite continued progress of existence and events in the time. Time management is the ability to use one's time effectively or productively especially at work.

5 strategies in study system

  1. Study weekly and organise a schedule 
  2. Do daily plainer.
  3. Review Semester calendar 
  4. Balance between academic and personal life.
  5. Avoid procrastination ( the act of putting off intentionally the doing of something that should be done).

  1. To be perfectionist 
  2. Avoiding failure 
  3. To be success 
  4. Being rebellious 
  5. Avoid feeling overwhelmed 
  6. Avoid laziness 

  1. Go back to your goal.
  2. Alert to deadline.
  3. Prioritised.
  4. Self rewards.

Advantage of Being Organised 

  1. Keep on schedule and meet deadline.
  2. Reduce stress cause we in control.
  3. Complete work without stress.
  4. Build your confidence.

Time Management Tool
  • Calendar 
  • Reminder (task planner)

8 Steps to Success 

  1. Attend all classes.
  2. Become an active learner.
  3. Participate in class.
  4. Get to know your lecturers.
  5. Form study groups with friends.
  6. Stay up to date with your work.
  7. Be receptive to change.
  8. Work hard this semester.

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